Results for 'D. Blake Roeber'

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  1. Does the Theist Have an Epistemic Advantage over the Atheist?D. Blake Roeber - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Research 34:305-328.
    Recent iterations of Alvin Plantinga’s “evolutionary argument against naturalism” bear a surprising resemblance to a famous argument in Descartes’s Third Meditation. Both arguments conclude that theists have an epistemic advantage over atheists/naturalists vis-à-vis the question whether or not our cognitive faculties are reliable. In this paper, I show how these arguments bear an even deeper resemblance to each other. After bringing the problem of evil to bear negatively on Descartes’s argument, I argue that, given these similarities, atheists can wield a (...)
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    A (Reconstructed) New Natural Law Account of Sexuate Selfhood and Rape's Harm.Joshua D. Goldstein & Robin Blake - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (5):734-750.
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  3. Temporal perturbations of binocular-rivalry.R. Fox, D. Westendorf & R. Blake - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):525-525.
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  4. Evidence, Judgment, and Belief at Will.Blake Roeber - 2019 - Mind 128 (511):837-859.
    Doxastic involuntarists have paid insufficient attention to two debates in contemporary epistemology: the permissivism debate and the debate over norms of assertion and belief. In combination, these debates highlight a conception of belief on which, if you find yourself in what I will call an ‘equipollent case’ with respect to some proposition p, there will be no reason why you can’t believe p at will. While doxastic involuntarism is virtually epistemological orthodoxy, nothing in the entire stock of objections to belief (...)
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  5. The Pragmatic Encroachment Debate.Blake Roeber - 2016 - Noûs 52 (1):171-195.
    Does knowledge depend in any interesting way on our practical interests? This is the central question in the pragmatic encroachment debate. Pragmatists defend the affirmative answer to this question while purists defend the negative answer. The literature contains two kinds of arguments for pragmatism: principle-based arguments and case-based arguments. Principle-based arguments derive pragmatism from principles that connect knowledge to practical interests. Case-based arguments rely on intuitions about cases that differ with respect to practical interests. I argue that there are insurmountable (...)
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  6. Anti-Intellectualism.Blake Roeber - 2018 - Mind 127 (506):437-466.
    Intellectualists disagree with anti-intellectualists about the relationship between knowledge and truth. According to intellectualists, this relationship is intimate. Knowledge entails true belief, and in fact everything required for knowledge is somehow relevant to the probability that the belief in question is true. According to anti-intellectualists, this relationship isn’t intimate. Or, at least, it’s not as intimate as intellectualists think. Factors that aren’t in any way relevant to the probability that a belief is true can make a difference to whether it (...)
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  7. Minimalism And The Limits Of Warranted Assertability Maneuvers.Blake Roeber - 2014 - Episteme 11 (3):245-260.
    Contextualists and pragmatists agree that knowledge-denying sentences are contextually variable, in the sense that a knowledge-denying sentence might semantically express a false proposition in one context and a true proposition in another context, without any change in the properties traditionally viewed as necessary for knowledge. Minimalists deny both pragmatism and contextualism, and maintain that knowledge-denying sentences are not contextually variable. To defend their view from cases like DeRose and Stanley's high stakes bank case, minimalists like Patrick Rysiew, Jessica Brown, and (...)
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  8. Permissive Situations and Direct Doxastic Control.Blake Roeber - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 101 (2):415-431.
    According to what I will call ‘the disanalogy thesis,’ beliefs differ from actions in at least the following important way: while cognitively healthy people often exhibit direct control over their actions, there is no possible scenario where a cognitively healthy person exhibits direct control over her beliefs. Recent arguments against the disanalogy thesis maintain that, if you find yourself in what I will call a ‘permissive situation’ with respect to p, then you can have direct control over whether you believe (...)
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  9. contextualism And Virtue Perspectivism: How To Preserve Our Intuitions About Knowledge And 'knows'.Blake Roeber - 2009 - Florida Philosophical Review 9 (1):56-66.
    Contextualism is a linguistic thesis; it is a theory not about knowledge but about the word "knows." Almost invariably, contextualists defend their position as necessary for preserving our intuitions in the face of the so-called "skeptical paradox." In this paper, I undermine the case for contextualism by showing how a properly Chisholmed theory of knowledge might preserve our intuitions more successfully than the linguistic thesis forwarded by contextualism. My aim is not to demonstrate that contextualism is false. Rather, I aim (...)
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  10. How to Argue for Pragmatic Encroachment.Blake Roeber - 2018 - Synthese (6):2649-2664.
    Purists think that changes in our practical interests can’t affect what we know unless those changes are truth-relevant with respect to the propositions in question. Impurists disagree. They think changes in our practical interests can affect what we know even if those changes aren’t truth-relevant with respect to the propositions in question. I argue that impurists are right, but for the wrong reasons, since they haven’t appreciated the best argument for their own view. Together with “Minimalism and the Limits of (...)
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  11. Reasons to Not Believe (and Reasons to Act).Blake Roeber - 2016 - Episteme 13 (4):439-48.
    In “Reasons to Believe and Reasons to Act,” Stewart Cohen argues that balance of reasons accounts of rational action get the wrong results when applied to doxastic attitudes, and that there are therefore important differences between reasons to believe and reasons to act. In this paper, I argue that balance of reasons accounts of rational action get the right results when applied to the cases that Cohen considers, and that these results highlight interesting similarities between reasons to believe and reasons (...)
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  12. Is Every Theory of Knowledge False?Blake Roeber - 2019 - Noûs 54 (4):839-866.
    Is knowledge consistent with literally any credence in the relevant proposition, including credence 0? Of course not. But is credence 0 the only credence in p that entails that you don’t know that p? Knowledge entails belief (most epistemologists think), and it’s impossible to believe that p while having credence 0 in p. Is it true that, for every value of ‘x,’ if it’s impossible to know that p while having credence x in p, this is simply because it’s impossible (...)
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    Chemical StructureBasic Ideas of Abstract MathematicsThermal Physic.B. E. Dawson, A. M. Hodgson, M. Fyfe, D. Woodrow & A. G. E. Blake - 1971 - British Journal of Educational Studies 19 (2):232.
  14. Are Intellectual Virtues Truth-Relevant?Blake Roeber - 2017 - Episteme 14 (3):381-92.
    According to attributor virtue epistemology (the view defended by Ernest Sosa, John Greco, and others), S knows that p only if her true belief that p is attributable to some intellectual virtue, competence, or ability that she possesses. Attributor virtue epistemology captures a wide range of our intuitions about the nature and value of knowledge, and it has many able defenders. Unfortunately, it has an unrecognized consequence that many epistemologists will think is sufficient for rejecting it: namely, it makes knowledge (...)
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    Index.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press. pp. 265-278.
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    Self-Determination and Meaningful Work: Exploring Socioeconomic Constraints.Blake A. Allan, Kelsey L. Autin & Ryan D. Duffy - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    What Makes an Argument Strong?Blake D. Scott - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (4):19-43.
    It is widely believed that Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s theory of argumentation is vulnerable to the charge of relativism. This paper provides a more charitable interpretation of Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s normative views, one that properly considers the historical trajectory of their work and a wider range of texts than existing interpretations. It is argued that their views are better characterized as a form of “contrastivism about arguments” than any kind relativism. This more accurate depiction contributes to ongoing efforts to revive interest (...)
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    4. The Inaction Objection.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press. pp. 75-94.
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    Environmental Research in Support of Archaeological Investigations in the Yemen Arab Republic, 1985-1987.D. T. Potts, Maurice J. Grolier, Robert Brinkmann & Jeffrey A. Blakely - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):171.
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    Indifference, necessity, and Descartes's derivation of the laws of motion.Blake D. Dutton - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (2):193-212.
    Indifference, Necessity, and Descartes's Derivation of the Laws of Motion BLAKE D. DUTTON WHILE WORKING ON Le Monde, his first comprehensive scientific treatise, Des- cartes writes the following to Mersenne: "I think that all those to whom God has given the use of this reason have an obligation to employ it principally in the endeavor to know him and to know themselves. This is the task with which I began my studies; and I can say that I would not (...)
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    Argumentation and the Challenge of Time: Perelman, Temporality, and the Future of Argument.Blake D. Scott - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (1):25-37.
    Central to Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s philosophical revival of rhetoric and dialectic is the importance given to the temporal character of argumentation. Unlike demonstration, situated within the “empty time” of a single instant, the authors of The New Rhetoric understand argumentation as an action that unfolds within the “full time” of meaningful human life. By taking a broader view of his work beyond The New Rhetoric, I first outline Perelman’s understanding of time and temporality and the challenge that it poses for (...)
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    Nicholas of Autrecourt and William of Ockham on Atomism, Nominalism, and the Ontology of Motion.Blake D. Dutton - 1996 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 5 (1):63-85.
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    The Ontological Argument.Blake D. Dutton - 1993 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 67 (4):431-450.
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    Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - London: Cornell University Press.
    External World Skepticism: The Deception of the Senses.
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    Descartes and the Last Scholastics (review).Blake D. Dutton - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (2):275-277.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Descartes and the Last ScholasticsBlake D. DuttonRoger Ariew. Descartes and the Last Scholastics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999. Pp. xi + 230. Cloth, $42.50.The attempt to understand Descartes vis-à-vis the scholastic tradition dates back to the studies of Etienne Gilson early in this century. Though Descartes saw himself as a revolutionary who would overthrow the Aristotelianism entrenched in the universities, Gilson was able to demonstrate his reliance upon (...)
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    Understanding the Role of Law in Reducing Firearm Injury through Clinical Interventions.Blake N. Shultz, Carolyn T. Lye, Gail D'Onofrio, Abbe R. Gluck, Jonathan Miller, Katherine L. Kraschel & Megan L. Ranney - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S4):146-154.
    Firearm injury in the United States is a public health crisis in which physicians are uniquely situated to intervene. However, their ability to mitigate harm is limited by a complex array of laws and regulations that shape their role in firearm injury prevention. This piece uses four clinical scenarios to illustrate how these laws and regulations impact physician practice, including patient counseling, injury reporting, and the use of court orders and involuntary holds. Unintended consequences on clinical practice of laws intended (...)
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    Afterword to Part II.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press. pp. 253-256.
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    Bibliography.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press. pp. 257-264.
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    Physics and metaphysics in Descartes and Galileo.Blake D. Dutton - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):49-71.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Physics and Metaphysics in Descartes and GalileoBlake D. Duttonin his classic biography of Descartes, Charles Adam passes this judgment on the influence of Galileo’s condemnation on the development of Cartesian metaphysics:Sans la condemnation de Galilée, nous aurions eu tout de même la métaphysique de Descartes. Mais nous ne l’aurions problement pas eue sous la forme volumineuse qu’elle a prise avec toutes ces Objections et Reponses, qui font plus que (...)
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    From Perception to Action.Blake D. Scott - 2020 - Sartre Studies International 26 (2):51-62.
    This paper re-examines the well-known problem of how it is possible to have an “intuition of absences” in Sartre’s example of Pierre. I argue that this problem is symptomatic of an overly theoretical interpretation of Sartre’s use of intentionality. First, I review Husserl’s notion of evidence within his phenomenology. Next, I introduce Sartre’s Pierre example and highlight some difficulties with interpreting it as a problem of perception. By focusing on Sartre’s notion of the project, I argue instead that the problem (...)
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    The Rhetorical Methodology of Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s Theory of Argumentation.Blake D. Scott - 2024 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 57 (1):1-29.
    ABSTRACT Despite Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s well-known influence on argumentation studies, it is striking that their theory of argumentation no longer stands out as a living project in the field. On the one hand, critics argue that their theory is inherently relativistic and therefore incapable of aiding argument evaluation. On the other hand, critics argue that, even as a descriptive theory, it fails to sufficiently justify its own systematic ambitions. This article addresses these dual concerns by returning to one of the (...)
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    The Objection from Touch: Sensation, Extension, and the Soul in Augustine’s The Quantity of the Soul.Blake D. Dutton - 2020 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 24 (2):268-295.
    In The Quantity of the Soul, Augustine puts forward the view that the soul is immaterial and that its quantity (quantitas) must be understood in terms of power rather than spatial extension. Against this view, his friend and interlocutor Evodius raises an important objection, The Objection from Touch, which argues that the soul’s exercise of tactile sensation requires that it be extended through the parts of the body. This paper examines Evodius’s objection and Augustine’s response to it. Particular attention is (...)
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    Ideology, Utopia, and Phronetic Judgment in Paul Ricoeur.Blake D. Scott - 2021 - Analecta Hermeneutica 13:135-157.
    In this paper I trace Ricoeur’s reflections on ideology and utopia from his Lectures on Ideology and Utopia, first delivered in 1975, to his later writings on selfhood and the just from the 1990s. The thread that I follow begins from the closing lines of Ricoeur’s Lectures, wherein he suggests that “practical wisdom” (or phronesis) may provide an answer to the paradox of ideology. Taking this suggestion as my point of departure, I reread Ricoeur’s earlier solution to this problem back (...)
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    The Excellence Award at the Fonds Ricœur’s Summer Workshop 2021 - “Ricœur rhétorique. The Missed Encounter with Chaïm Perelman in The Rule of Metaphor”.Blake D. Scott - 2021 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 12 (2):102-119.
    This paper argues that Ricœur’s philosophy operates on the basis of a more expansive conception of rhetoric than it first appears. To show this, I reread The Rule of Metaphor through the “new rhetoric” of Chaïm Perelman. First, I survey Ricœur’s understanding of rhetoric in the 1950s and 60s. Second, I examine Ricœur’s relation to Perelman within the context of the broader “rhetorical turn” of the 1970s. After examining their respective positions, I argue that Ricœur fails to appreciate the full (...)
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    Frontmatter.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press.
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    3. Happiness, Wisdom, and the Insufficiency of Inquiry.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press. pp. 49-74.
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    5. Inquiry and Belief on Authority.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press. pp. 95-119.
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  38. Benedict de Spinoza.Blake D. Dutton - 2004 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Afterword to Part I.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press. pp. 139-142.
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    11. First-Person Truths.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press. pp. 228-252.
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    6. The Error of the Academics.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press. pp. 120-138.
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    User interfaces for communication bridges across the digital divide.Edwin H. Blake & William D. Tucker - 2006 - AI and Society 20 (2):232-242.
    Connecting people across the digital divide is as much a social effort as a technological one. We are developing a community-centred approach to learn how interaction techniques can compensate for poor communication across the digital divide. We have incorporated the lessons learned regarding social intelligence design in an abstraction and in a device called the SoftBridge. The SoftBridge allows communication to flow from endpoints through adapters, getting converted if necessary, and out to destination endpoints. Field trials are underway with two (...)
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    Benedict de Spinoza: Religion.Blake D. Dutton - 2025 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Benedict de Spinoza: Philosophy of Religion Philosophers generally count Spinoza (1632-1677), along with Descartes (1596-1650) and Leibniz (1646-1716), as one of the great rationalists of the 17th century, but he was also a keen student of religion whose analysis has shaped our modern outlook. For those at home in secular liberal democracies, much seems familiar … Continue reading Benedict de Spinoza: Religion →.
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  44. How Do We Justify Research into Enhanced Warfighters?Blake Hereth, Nicholas G. Evans, Jonathan D. Moreno & Michael Gross - 2024 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences 11 (2):1-13.
    State militaries have strong interests in developing enhanced warfighters: taking otherwise healthy service personnel (soldiers, marines, pilots, etc.) and pushing their biological, physiological, and cognitive capacities beyond their individual statistical or baseline norm. However, the ethical and regulatory challenges of justifying research into these kinds of interventions to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of enhancements in the military has not been well explored. In this paper, we offer, in the context of the US Common Rule and Institutional Review Board framework, (...)
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    A dual mechanism neural framework for social understanding.Suresh D. Muthukumaraswamy & Blake W. Johnson - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (1):43 – 63.
    In this paper a theoretical framework is proposed for how the brain processes the information necessary for us to achieve the understanding of others that we experience in our social worlds. Our framework attempts to expand several previous approaches to more fully account for the various data on interpersonal understanding and to respond to theoretical critiques in this area. Specifically, we propose that social understanding must be achieved by at least two mechanisms in the brain that are capable of parallel (...)
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    Gender barriers to the female mentor – male protégé relationship.Regina M. O'Neill & Stacy D. Blake-Beard - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 37 (1):51 - 63.
    This paper explores gender barriers to the formation of the female mentor – male protégé relationship. The authors consider both physiological as well as social gender as a way to help understand the scarcity of these relationships. A number of gender-related factors are considered, including organizational demographics, relational demography, sexual liaisons, gender stereotypes, gender behaviors, and power dynamics. The paper concludes with directions for future research that will help provide further insights into the development and success of the female mentor (...)
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    Isaac Kandel and the development of American education.D. W. Blake - 1983 - British Journal of Educational Studies 31 (1):52-67.
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    Acknowledgments.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press.
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    Abbreviations.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press.
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    1. Augustine and the Academics.Blake D. Dutton - 2016 - In Augustine and Academic Skepticism: A Philosophical Study. London: Cornell University Press. pp. 9-30.
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